2198 Ghosts In The Sun, People In The Sea – Yvette Granata
2198 GHOSTS IN THE SUN, PEOPLE IN THE SEA; Yvette Granata; TRT: 3.20 Split-screen and vertical motion, and a series of 2,198 photographs taken in my deceased grandparents home in Abruzzo, Italy. 2198 GHOSTS IN THE SUN, PEOPLE IN THE SEA is a reorganization of day and night. Displayed in split-screen and vertical motion, the […]
A Pattern Language – Tara Nelson
A PATTERN LANGUAGE; (2010); Tara Merenda Nelson; 16mm; TRT: 3.00 Charles Zehnde’s Kugel Gips house in Wellfleet Massachusetts, and the Romanian B Minor scale. What was the inspiration for this film? In 2010, I was invited by filmmaker Ericka Beckman to participate in a residency through the Cape Cod Modern House Trust. I lived in […]
A Visual Storytelling Landscape
Thank you Lili White for exposing me to Toxic Park, the great work of Cinzia Sarto & Emita Frigato. Toxic Park incarnates a visual storytelling landscape that defines how we are now meant to face technology and an experimental narrative genre. I have had a difficult time, as a film artist, surrendering my purist romance […]
Alessandra Cianelli
Alessandra Cianelli Story of the Octopus with a Heartshaped Head from 2007 in Show 5 Animal’s Planet I have chosen to live and work in Naples, South Italy. I graduated from the Fine Arts Accademy in Naples and studied Philosophy at I.U.O, Naples. I am currently studying yoga. My work combines traditional arts (sculpture, photography, video, […]
Alex Hovet
Alex Hovet ‘s IN RECOVERY from 2013 was made with Super 8. It is in Show 7 Mother Nature / Human Nature Alex Hovet’s work in photography and video explores the relationship between image and memory, and the degradation of both. Her work investigates the impulse to create narratives from anonymous imagery and the struggle […]
Amang Hung
AMNIOTIC FLUID, OCEANS APART Show 21 Mother’s Day and MORE THAN ONE in Show 17 Apparitions Born and raised in Hualien on the east coast of Taiwan, Amang is the author of three volumes of verse, ”On/Off: Selected Poems of Amang, 1995—2002″ (2003), “No Daddy” (2008), and “Chariots of Women” (2016). Her work has appeared in various print […]
Ana Rodríguez León
Ana Rodríguez León Bell & Howell 2146 XL in Show 9 Beyond the Body’s Frame; Camera: Javier Rapallo; 8mm & Super 8; TRT: 8.56 Memorais on Show 4 Home-Making; Camera: Javier Rapallo; Music: The Free Sound Project; 8mm & Super 8; TRT: 7.01 The Glass Threshold (El umbral de cristal) in Show 14 Spirit Dreams; TRT: 25.00 The Spiritual Machine […]
And This Forest Will be a Desert – Carolyn Radlo & Alanna Simone
AND THIS FOREST WILL BE A DESERT; C&A Projects (Carolyn Radlo & Alanna Simone); music by Wardruna; TRT: 2.33 Glittering plastic, toy polar bear and the beauty inherent in the things we’re conditioned to be afraid of. An art film about the state of the world: it’s all about plastics, panic and paradise. A translucent landscape, a sparkling […]
Assumptions of Your Phantom(sy) – Karissa Hahn
ASSUMPTIONS OF YOUR PHANTOM(SY); Karissa Hahn; Super8; TRT: 1:53 The glorious nature of a phantom-like entity, in the midst of vulnerability. How do your films come about? My work is quite often derived from a text, or it manifests as some reaction to an event – usually concerning desire. All of my work has been […]
Augusta Palmer
Augusta Palmer is a filmmaker and scholar best known for The Hand of Fatima (2009), a feature documentary about music, mysticism, and family history. Her award-winning documentary and experimental video work has screened in national and international festivals, as well as at venues like New York’s Anthology Film Archives. She is an Assistant Professor of […]
AXW/online News
Once upon a time… Experimental Short Films are provocative, exciting, spontaneous, and sometimes forbidden, but unfortunately, they’re somewhat unknown. So we’ve opened the doors of the AXW/online streaming web site, culled from works screened in the ANOTHER EXPERIMENT BY WOMEN FILM FESTIVAL…
Bell & Howell – Ana Rodríguez León
Bell & HOWELL; Ana Rodríguez León; 8mm & Super 8; TRT: 8.56 A trip from the past to the future via the camera. What was your creative process? In 2010, I was part of the team of the Super 8 festival Toma Única, a kind of tourné-monté cinema festival. It was decided to make a […]
Beth Portnoy
Beth Portnoy GYRE-ATION in Show 2 Hometown is performed & choreographed by Amy Larimer; Music: Greg ‘Cosmo D’ Heffernan; Digi; TRT: 6.48 Beth Portnoy has been unleashing her mighty moves all over New York City as a choreographer, dancer, teacher, and filmmaker. Beth’s dance for camera work has been screened at both International and US film […]
Beth Warshafsky
Beth Warshafsky is a NYC-based artist and teacher working in a multiple mediums and practices including video and digital moving images, live projection, artist’s books, prints, drawings, photographs and text. Her fil, FISHING, is in Show 17 Apparitions. Beth’s artwork has been shown at laboratory-series at the International Short Film Festival in Hamburg; Follow the […]
Black Rectangle – Rhayne Vermette
BLACK RECTANGLE; (2013); Rhayne Vermette; 16mm; TRT: 1.30 Inspired by the slow death of Kasimir Malevich’s painting, Black Square, this film documents a tedious process of dismantling and reassembling 16 mm found footage. The film collage imitates functions of a curtain, while the recorded optical track describes the film’s subsequent destruction during its first projection. […]
Caitlin Díaz
Caitlin Díaz ‘s film, DEJAR is in Show 22 In & Outdoors. An artist and filmmaker from the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, she currently lives and works in Los Angeles, creating films on Super 8mm, 16mm and 35mm. Combining digital, analog and direct filmmaking techniques, her films explore the human psyche and the processes that surround […]
Carla Forte
Carla Forte Staring At The Ceiling Show 23 – There We Are Carla Forte is a film director, scriptwriter and performer. Forte is the founder and Executive Director of Bistoury Physical Theatre and Film. Selected as a Berlinale Talent 2017, Carla has directed internationally featured Video-Art works such as Interrupta, Official Selection at 27th Festival […]
Carolin Koss
Carolin Koss Emerald Green Show 24 The Verdant Carolin Koss is a Helsinki based artist and filmmaker originally from Germany. Koss works with various mediums and often creates contemplative and aesthetic works, which embody internal landscapes and invent dream realities. Her works recurrently have a dreamlike nature and captivate through symbolic language and stylized imagery. […]
Caroline Bernard
Caroline Bernard – Fonction Panorama LGKU990; TRT: 5.48; is in Show 2 Hometown A kind of timeline, the timeline of life, of feelings, feelings trapped in time and space, and it’s also a metaphor of tired feeling in a love relationship. A loving duet between the cameraman, and the photographed one (is the filmmakers and […]
Carolyn Radlo & Alanna Simone
Carolyn Radlo & Alanna Simone – And This Forest Will be a Desert; (2010); Music: Wardruna; TRT: 2.33 in Show 5 Animal’s Planet C+A Projects comprises Carolyn Radlo and Alanna Simone, a mother-daughter team of artists based in California and Chicago. They collaborate on projects which deal with social and political situations communicated through sparse […]
Ceallaigh At Kilmainham – Kelly Gallagher
CEALLAIGH AT KILMAINHAM; (2013); Kelly Gallagher; TRT: 7.00 Found family footage collaged and handcrafted: An exploration of land, roots, radical history, and the strength of the women who came before me. Q: What was your creative process with this film? (Ceallaigh at Kilmainham) I took a trip to Ireland a few years ago and learned […]
Cinzia Sarto
Cinzia Sarto Forbidden Fruit; (2009); TRT: 4.44 in Show 10 Pesky Thoughts Lost in a Glass of Water; (2013); TRT: 2.06 in Show 12 Twilight Mindset Toxic Park; (2012); With Emita Frigato; Digi; TRT: 11.22 in Show 3 Body of Another Una Sporca Vacanza (the Dirty Vacation); (2005); TRT: 7:00 in Show 11 Get Up Stand Up Cinzia Sarto […]
Coleen Fitzgibbon
Coleen Fitzgibbon – Rose Selavee; (2014) in Show 6 Psychedelic States was shot with an iPhone 4; TRT: 5.00 Coleen Fitzgibbon is an experimental film artist based in NYC. Fitzgibbon has screened her work at international film festivals, museums and galleries, including New Museum, Salon94, Louis B. James Gallery, MOCA/LA Film Forum, Austrian VIENNALE, TIFF, […]
Complicated, Impressionistic, Idiosyncratic
Anuradha Chandra’s Blink of an Eye was a complicated film, impressionistic, idiosyncratic, not sure my memory is doing it justice. I was completely fascinated with it, especially the way the filmmaker would investigate a shape, move on, and then return to that shape, perhaps informed somewhat by the intervening set of images. Really wonderful sensibility […]
Constellation – Muriel Montini
CONSTELLATION; Muriel Montini; TRT: 5.00 A bear in the zoo. A bear out of the world. Muriel Montini studied cinema. She lives and works in Paris. Since 2000, she has made several movies screened in different international important institutions and festivals. She currently works on different films projects.
Damn You Vougue – Júlia Portella & Melina Schleder
DAMN YOU VOUGUE; Júlia Portella & Melina Schleder; TRT: 11.10 The desire to fit in and the way that desire can consume you. Was this a film school project? No, it’s a movie we did sometime after we graduated and that we decided to do with no money How did this film come about? This […]
Dana Berman Duff
Dana Berman Duff works in small format film, and video, Her film, CATALOGUE is in Show 22 In & Outdoors Her works have been screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, the International Film Festival Rotterdam, the Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement (Geneva), Edinburgh International Film Festival, South London Gallery, EXiS Festival and others. Her […]
Displacement – Liliana Resnick
DISPLACEMENT; (2012); Liliana Resnick; Super 8mm and 35mm to Digi; TRT: 7.20 Time is not linear. A woman’s past, present and future spiral within simultaneously. DISPLACEMENT references “time”— can you comment on the chosen images in this piece? DISPLACEMENT explores a state of feelings of a woman who suddenly realizes that her present is a […]
Dispossessed – Julia Jin
DISPOSSESSED; (2013) Julia Jin; B/W and color 16mm; sound from HDV Vixia camcorder; 76mm and 26mm lens – TRT: 7.46 A journey reconciling the notions of the home and its paraphernalia as a private space through close textures and a subtle orchestra of sounds. What was your creative process with this film? I didn’t have […]
Ella Mikkola
Ella Mikkola is a Finnish filmmaker currently studying film in Canada. Her film, SAARI is in Show 16 Landscape Comes Attached She started to experiment with moving images a year ago, after moving from her home country to a new one. Finding new meanings from her new surroundings and transforming these discoveries into images is […]
Evelin Stermitz
Evelin Stermitz Water Portrait; Show 20 – Political Restings Rooftop Short; Show 25 – Through My Skin Evelin Stermitz, M.A., M.Phil., studied Media and New Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and holds the degree in Philosophy from Media Studies. Her works in the field of media and […]
Even Gray Feels Blue – Negin Sharifzadeh
EVEN GRAY FEELS BLUE; Negin Sharifzadeh; TRT: 8.18 Individual memory: Collective memory – not separated, rather there is an interaction of the two. The echoes of the individual move into collective realities. Sorrow becomes social malaise. Tell us about “Shabaneh,” the poem you used by Ahmad Shamlou. Ahmad Shamlou was one of the most important […]
Fabienne Gautier
Fabienne Gautier – Iceland; (2006); TRT: 4.19 , was shot in B&W Super 8, and is in Show 5 Animal’s Planet Fabienne Gautier is an artist and filmmaker living in Paris. Her works include several medias like film, video, installations and photography. Her work has been shown internationally in galleries and festivals including the New […]
Film Review of UUFO
FILM REVIEW of UUFO By Chen Liu Based on shared family stories, the artist Yun Chen describes her experience of and response to events that occurred in the lives of her parents and grandparents during the cultural revolution. Yun’s short film, UUFO, reflects her connection to these events, as she attempts to arrive at a […]
Fonction Panorama Lgku990 – Caroline Bernard
FONCTION PANORAMA LGKU990; (2010); Caroline Bernard; Digi; TRT: 5.48 The timeline of life and feelings trapped in time and space. A kind of timeline, the timeline of life, of feelings, feelings trapped in time and space, and it’s also a metaphor of tired feeling in a love relationship. A loving duet between the cameraman, and […]
Forbidden Fruit – Cinzia Sarto
FORBIDDEN FRUIT; Cinzia Sarto; miniDV; TRT: 4.44 An original sin encounter of lovers, from initial collision, to orbiting round each other. I realized much later that the origin of this video was an image from “Yol”, a Turkish film directed by Yilmaz Guney that I saw in 1982. In the film a man is forced […]
Gowanus Haze – Margaret Rorison
GOWANUS HAZE; (2012); Margaret Rorison; 16MM; TRT: 5:41 The Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn New York, associated with grime and desolation, combines with my voice and excerpts of stories from my demented grandfather. Why did you want to make this film? Out of nostalgia! Greenwood Heights was the last neighborhood that I lived in before I […]
Gyre-ation – Beth Portnoy
GYRE-ATION; (2012); Beth Portnoy; Digi; TRT: 6.48 Gyre-ation is a visual exploration of resistance to and acceptance of the forces outside of ourselves. “Gyre” is a circular or spiral form found in nature: rotating ocean currents; wind curl; concentric circles formed by leaves or flower petals. Gyre-ation is a visual exploration of resistance to and […]
Heidi Phillips
Heidi Phillips is an experimental filmmaker and installation artist from Manitoba, Canada with an affinity for the tactility of the filmic medium. Phillips’ often uses thrifted super 8 films, contact printing and darkroom experiments to push her work into new places. Phillips’ old school process frequently becomes part of the content, as grainy scratched films […]
Hull – Tara Merenda Nelson
HULL; (2013); Tara Merenda Nelson; TRT: 7.22 A journey between layers of corporal consciousness, exploring the physical memory of trauma, and the psychological repercussions of a surgical disaster. Your reason for creating this work: At the age of 34 I had surgery that resulted in the unexpected loss of my uterus. Since the surgery, the […]
I wish I still lived in NYC!
Dear God I wish I still lived in NYC! This sounds amazing! So glad there is such energy and diversity put into the curation of these shows! Thank you Lili – it sounds like you are doing an amazing service for women in film! Lara Dale
Iceland – Fabienne Gautier
ICELAND; Fabienne Gautier; TRT: 4.19 Landscapes of starkness speak to the internal mind. Iceland’s landscape seemed to reflect a particular internalization of feeling. The piece was shot in B&W super 8 while driving across Iceland in 2004. This work speaks to this internal mind. Q: How did this film come about? I had wanted to make […]
In Recovery – Alex Hovet
IN RECOVERY; (2013) Alex Hovet; Super 8; TRT: 2.55 In Recovery challenges my father’s memory with my own. This film is constructed from scanned prints of family photographs which I subjected to a randomized glitching process using a program called GoldMosh. The photographs become warped and are degraded as their code is broken down, creating […]
Inversion – Linda Fenstermaker
INVERSION; (2102) Linda Fenstermaker; 16mm; TRT: 13.01 Blending perspectives layered around the camera, this film creates an open space to expand female consciousness, as an embodiment of the film itself. What was your creative process with this film? Inversion descends from my desire to push the bounds placed upon female representation. I wanted to explore […]
Jenny Brown
Jenny Brown The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Symbiocene Show 25 – Through My Skin Australian artist Jenny Brown creates work that stakes out claims for both functional and aesthetic forms in a sophisticated socio-politically engaged practice, often with simple means and modes of expression. Her moving image works sometimes draw out the themes of these […]
Jesse Russell Brooks & Alexzenia Davis
Jesse Russell Brooks & Alexzenia Davis – Make Me a Doorway; (2012); 8mm/Digi; TRT: 3.36 is in Show 2 Hometown Written by: Alexzenia Davis; Directed by: Jesse Russell Brooks; Features three poems: “Make Me,” “My Silhouette,” and “A Lady’s Psyche” written by Alexzenia Davis with attitude. Alexzenia Davis – Writer and Poet Composing poetry that stems […]
Joey Huertas (AKA Jane Public)
Joey Huertas (AKA Jane Public) – Missing Green; (2011); Pixelvision & 16mm color negative; TRT: 9.39 is found in Show 3 Body of Another Joey Huertas (AKA Jane Public) holds a BFA from the State University of New York at Purchase’s Conservatory of Theatre Arts and Film, and an MSW from Hunter College School of Social […]
Julia Jin
Julia Jin – Dispossessed; (2013); B/W and color 16mm; Sound from HDV Vixia camcorder; 76mm and 26mm lens; TRT: 7.46 is found in Show 12 Twilight Mindset I graduated with a BA in Cinema from Binghamton University last year, and discovered experimental film three years ago when I stepped into a small film salon club […]
Júlia Portella & Melina Schleder
Júlia Portella & Melina Schleder – Maldita Vouuge; (2014); TRT: 11.10 is in Show 10 Pesky Thoughts Julia Portella – co-director Co-direction of the videoclip “Amigo Punk”, 2008 Direction of short movie “Ônibus Lotado”, 2005 Melina Schleder – co-director Co-direction of the short movie “Wander”, 2005 Co-direction of the videoclip “Amigo Punk”, 2008 Wrote and edited the […]
Juliette Liautaud
Juliette Liautaud Kapr (A Fish Scale Can Hide a Sun); Show 13 – Fun & Games Recuerdo De Mi Santuario; Show 24 – The Verdant Juliette Liautaud was born in 1987 in Marseille, France. After studying literature and visual arts at university in Paris, she graduated from the Fine Arts School Villa Arson in Nice in […]
Karissa Hahn
Karissa Hahn Assumptions of Your Phantom(sy); (2012); Super 8; TRT: 1:53 is in Show 7 Mother Nature / Human Nature Reveries; (2013); Super 8 to Digi; TRT: 3.38 is in Show 9 Beyond the Body’s Frame Karissa Hahn is an artist and filmmaker based in LA; a graduate from CalArts . She has explored many different visual […]
Kathleen Rugh
Kathleen Rugh – Light Streaming; (2012); 16mm; TRT: 6.19 is found in Show 8 Over Land & Sea Kathleen Rugh is a filmmaker and photographer based in Brooklyn, NY. Her film and photographic work has been exhibited in screenings and galleries throughout the US and internationally, including the Edinburgh International Film Festival, EXiS Experimental Film […]
Katya Yakubov
Katya Yakubov – She Learns To Lunge; (2009); Music: Justina Serrano & Eligio Perez; Actors: Lyudmila Jegalova, Katya Yakubov, Graciela Valles Valera; Digi; TRT: 8.30 is in Show 4 Home-Making Katya Yakubov is a Russian-born filmmaker living in Brooklyn, NY. She graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts in 2009 and served as a […]
Kelly Gallagher
Kelly Gallagher – Ceallaigh at Kilmainham; (2013); shot on 16mm TRT: 7:00 opens our series in Show 1 – Enduring Adversity Pen Up the Pigs; (2014); TRT: 12.00 is in Show 11 Get Up Stand Up Kelly Gallagher is a filmmaker and animator from the Philadelphia area. Her films have screened internationally at venues such as: […]
Kelly Oliver
Kelly Oliver – The Borough, a little gem from 2009 (TRT: 1.32) is in Show 10 Pesky Thoughts There are a lot of ugly things in this world. I wish I could protect you from them. Kelly Oliver is a video artist from Raritan, NJ. In addition to her own video work, she has collaborated with […]
Kimberly Burleigh
Honored with numerous grants and fellowships from such institutions as the National Endowment for the Arts and the Ohio Arts Council, Kimberly Burleigh has shown her work in over 200 exhibitions and film festivals. She works with a variety of mediums, including; painting, drawing, collage and computer imaging/animation. Exhibitions and Film festivals include “Australian Experimental […]
Korona – Lena Ditte Nissen
KORONA; (2013); Lena Ditte Nissen; TRT: 10.20 Mist ascends from the moor and curls up like figures out of the soil. Statement about this work: Ambience reaches from the words that are spoken ever so feebly, while shedding successive layers of tremor, and construe a world of sensuous experience. Overwhelming, cast out from the realm of […]
Kristin Reeves
Kristin Reeves THREADBARE; Show 19 – I Dented Oriented Body Contours; Show 25 – Through My Skin Kristin Reeves has shown her interdisciplinary work internationally in museums, galleries, theaters, art events, and festivals such as the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Microscope Gallery (Brooklyn), and was included in the 26th European Media Art Festival’s Best of the Festival program (Osnabrück). She […]
Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson
Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson Landslag; Show 7 – Mother Nature / Human Nature Look Out Point; Show 25 – Through My Skin Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson’s films and videos have been presented at festivals and galleries in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. K-Nelson has screened at venues such as the Walker Art Center, the D.C. National Museum for […]
Lana Z Caplan
Lana Z Caplan is a film/videomaker, photographer, and interactive video installation artist. Caplan’s various technical approaches in her work are unified by her thematic concerns, which revolve around exploring the cultural effects of environmental change, challenges and gaps in cross-cultural communication, the construction and deconstruction of narrative form and the immateriality of the post-internet digital […]
Landslag – Kyja K-Nelson
LANDSLAG; Kyja K-Nelson; mini DV; TRT: 4.00 The gesture of natural forces that physically and metaphysically shape the Skagafjordur region of Iceland. How did you make this movie, where was it shot? Landslag was shot during the summer of 2004, primarily on the northern coast of Iceland in the region of Skagafjordur, from where my […]
Laura Hyunjhee Kim
Laura Hyunjhee Kim is a Korean-American artist who works with video, performance, and the Internet as a medium. Her absurd and playful videos explore how online experiences reconfigure everyday life. Kim received the inaugural ArtSlant Award in New Media and has exhibited nationally and internationally. Born in Palo Alto, California, at the age of nine she moved […]
Léa Furnion
Léa Furnion was born in France and has lived in New York since 2012. She is a graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts de Paris Cergy and also studied at Concordia University in Montreal. Through film, installation and drawing, Léa’s work explores fictional mechanisms, constructions and tangents with reality. Léa also works with musicians […]
Leila Jarman
Leila Jarman – UPBEAT NOTHINGNESS; (2012); With: Mike Leisz & Sandhya Daemgen; Digi; TRT: 3:14 is found in Show 6 Psychedelic States In Berlin, five people “stuck” and restricted by routine, breakout, upon finding their truest selves thru color and forms of movement. Leila Jarman is a visual artist and filmmaker based in Los Angeles. […]
Lena Ditte Nissen
Lena Ditte Nissen – Korona; (2013); 16mm; TRT: 10.20 is in Show 1 – Enduring Adversity The German-Danish artist and filmmaker (*1987, Munich) lives and works in Cologne, Germany. Since 2010 she studies at the Academy of Media Art. Lena’s works takes in various forms, depending on the chosen media and materials; the connection between text/voice […]
Light Streaming – Kathleen Rugh
LIGHT STREAMING; (2012); Kathleen Rugh; 16MM; TRT: 6.19 In landscapes where tunnels of light and the continual flow of water act as a connecting force, a couple of answers to questions. How did this film come about? The film was shot over a couple of years in numerous locations. I shot on the Oregon coast, […]
Lili White
Lili White The Future is You (2008); Show 22 – In & Outdoors The Kitchen Sink (2010); Show – 11 Get Up Stand Up Snake Foot (2014); Show 6 – Psychedelic States OVerTURE EnD ing (2016); Show 23 – There We Are Lili White has been making films since 1978. Using stylized gestures used as a […]
Liliana Resnick
Liliana Resnick – Displacement; (2012); Cast: Junko Sodeyama; Music: Tribal Jam Orchestra & Marko Bosko; Digi; TRT: 7.20 in in Show 4 Home-Making As a filmmaker, Liliana Resnick explores tensions between the inner world of human beings and the exterior world that encloses them. She works in narrative, documentary and experimental style and often mixes […]
Linda Fenstermaker
Linda Fenstermaker — Inversion; (2012); 16mm; TRT: 13.01 is in Show 9 Beyond the Body’s Frame Linda Fenstermaker is an experimental filmmaker and graduate of Hampshire College. She works primarily with 16mm and Super 8mm film, photography, prose and collage. In her work, she explores interactions and relationships between body and landscape, in discovering new […]
Lori Felker
Lori Felker Broken News Series; (2012); Graphics Collaborator: Chris Royalty; TRT: 5.00 is in Show 3 Body of Another Working With Nature – This is My Show; (2011); TRT: 14:44 is in Show 7 Mother Nature / Human Nature Lori Felker is an artist/filmmaker, teacher, programmer and projectionist. Her moving image work focuses on the ways in […]
Lost In a Glass of Water – Cinzia Sarto
LOST IN A GLASS OF WATER; Cinzia Sarto; digi; TRT: 2.06 A disjointed view in need of a compass. An attempt to walk holding a magnifying lens – an instrument to clean the eye while offering the most precious and simple of all gifts. The irony of the title mirrors the elusiveness of losing oneself. […]
Lydia Moyer
Lydia Moyer is media maker and visual artist who lives and works in central Virginia, USA where she is an associate professor of art at the University of Virginia. She received a BFA in studio practice from the New York State School of Art and Design at Alfred and an MFA in studio practice from […]
Make Me A Doorway – Alexzenia Davis & Jesse Russell Brooks
MAKE ME A DOORWAY; (2012); Jesse Russell Brooks & Alexzenia Davis; TRT: 3.36 Three poems and their attitude: Make Me, My Silhouette, and A Lady’s Psyche written by Alexzenia Davis. Can you summarize briefly what “Make Me A Doorway” is about? Three visually distinctive women consider lost love during a rush of mixed media footage, […]
Margaret Rorison
Margaret Rorison – Gowanus Haze; (2012); 16mm; TRT: 5:41 is in Show 8 Over Land & Sea Margaret Rorison is a filmmaker and curator from Baltimore, MD. Her current work often develops from extensive walks through rural and urban landscapes, combining memories, field recordings and text. She is interested in the potentials of storytelling through […]
Memorais – Ana Rodríguez León
MEMORAIS; (2012); Ana Rodríguez León; TRT: 7.01 Moments before than the Earth explodes, a woman remembers her relationship with a man. Moments before than the Earth explodes, a woman remembers her relationship with a man at the beginning of the 21st century. But soon, the border between what really happen and what could had happen, […]
Metrah Pashaee
Originally residing from the Sunshine State, Metrah Pashaee is a Middle Eastern-American audio-visual artist and independent filmmaker currently completing her MFA in Film and Video Production at the University of Iowa. As an Iowa Arts Fellowship recipient, a Graduate Teaching Assistant, and a receiver of the 2015 Princess Grace Foundation’s Graduate Film Award, Metrah devotes […]
Mirka Morales
Mirka Morales is a San Francisco-based media artist from Puerto Rico. Working in 16mm film and digital formats, lucid dreams are created from an intimate, poetic, DIY perspective. Images unfold organically, from an experiential point-of-view, using a variety of cinematic techniques, including time-lapse, stop-motion animation and live action. Recent short films include Reciprocity Failure; Imum […]
Missing Green – Joey Huertas Aka Jane Public
MISSING GREEN; (2011); Joey Huertas aka Jane Public; Pixelvision & 16mm color negative; TRT: 9.39 Searching for a ghost. Erin Green, a college student, who has gone missing on account of her own clinical depression I was inspired to make ‘MISSING GREEN’ by a challenge I had made to myself: making a different type of […]
Muriel Montini
Muriel Montini – Constellation; (2011); Digi; TRT: 5.00 is in Show 5 Animal’s Planet Muriel Montini studied cinema. She lives and works in Paris. Since 2000, she has made several movies screened in different international important institutions and festivals. She currently works on different films projects.
Naz Shahrokh
ON THE ROAD is found in Show 12 Twilight Mindset Naz Shahrokh is a visual artist who lives and works in Abu Dhabi, UAE. She was born in Tehran, Iran, she spent her childhood in Paris, France, and adolescent years in Los Angeles, CA. She received an MFA in Painting, and an MS in Art […]
Negin Sharifzadeh
Negin Sharifzadeh Even Gray Feels Blue; (2012); TRT: 8.18 is in Show 12 Twilight Mindset Story of a Curse #1; (2014); TRT: 4.49 is in Show 21 Mother’s Day The way I see it, art generates culture, and culture brings forth new social behaviors, diverse perspectives and change, hopefully for better! The sharing of different perspectives is itself […]
Noe Kidder
Noe Kidder – Paradise; (2011); 16mm; Music: Chris Becker; TRT: 10.00 is in Show 8 Over Land & Sea Filmed in Lisbon, Kauai and Catskill New York: challenging the viewer, as well as my own experience of loss. NOE KIDDER studied filmmaking at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago. She is inspired by Nature […]
Olivia Ciummo
Olivia Ciummo – Victoria; (2012); TRT: 10:21 is in Show 8 Over Land & Sea Three sisters search for a place to rest in a collage of different landscapes. As the siblings shift from location to location, versions of human utopia are taken away by nature, leaving them with impressions of a war. Filmed at […]
On the Road – Naz Shahrokh
ON THE ROAD (be fekret hastam); Naz Shahrokh; digi, TRT: 6:40 The work is a conversation with Jack Kerouac and his novel On the Road; with the energy of the Beat Generation and the philosophy inherent with that period of Zen Buddhism, of living in the now, while walking through the journey of life. Its […]
One Mississippi – Rebecca Louise Tiernan
ONE MISSISSIPPI; (2009) Rebecca Louise Tiernan; Music: I Will be Done by Amigo Male Singers D.O.P: Ben Jones; 16MM ; TRT: 5:05 A psycho-narrative of four girls playing skipping rhymes in a barren field with a lonesome Scarecrow. I shot this movie when about 5 years ago in Cornwall, England. I was in art school […]
Paradise – Noe Kidder
PARADISE; (2011) Noe Kidder; 16MM; Music: Chris Becker; TRT: 10.00 Filmed in Lisbon, Kauai and Catskill New York: challenging the viewer, as well as my own experience of loss. I made Paradise as a personal response to my father’s death. Creatively, it was a ritual act of mourning, but also a way to pay tribute […]
Pen Up the Pigs – Kelly Gallagher
PEN UP THE PIGS; (2014); Kelly Gallagher; TRT: 12.00 This animated film draws explicit parallels between slavery and modern day institutionalized racism and mass incarceration. Histories of radical resistance against white supremacy are explored and celebrated. Through cut-out animation, the natural world and human world confront each other through kinetic and violent motion, frame by […]
Presenting Shows 5 & 6
Shows 5 and 6, “Animal’s Planet” and “Psychedelic States,” have been released for personal use, streaming into your computer, tablet, television, or home entertainment center.
Push / Pull / Recover – Terra Long
PUSH / PULL / RECOVER; (2013); Terra Long; TRT: 3.39 A meditation on motion through stillness with breath. Shot in single frames on 16mm and hand painted. Made at a process cinema workshop in Cuba, Push/Pull/Recover is a meditation on motion through stillness with breath. Shot in single frames on 16mm and hand painted. Push / […]
Q & A with FILMMAKER Elizabeth Henry (USA) – May 13 2015 – FROM the ROAD – WATCH FREE VIDEO
From the Road – Question and Answer session with Filmmaker Elizabeth Henry at the AXW Film Festival on May 13, 2015
Q & A with Filmmaker Natasha Maidoff – GESTURE- March 27 2019 – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Q&A with Filmmaker Natasha Maidoff – March 27 2019
Q & A with FILMMAKER Sasha Waters Freyer (USA) – September 30 2015 – FRAGMENTS from the GARDEN of DREAMS – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Fragments From the Garden of Dreams — Answer session with Filmmaker Sasha Waters Freyer at the AXW Film Festival 9/30/2015
Q & A with FILMMAKER Su Friederich (USA) – August 26, 2015 – MOTHER’S DAY SHOW – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Mother’s Day – Question and Answer session with Filmmaker Su Friederich at the AXW Film Festival on August 26, 2015
Q & A with FILMMAKERS Andrew Mausert-Mooney, Kera MacKensie & Rebecca Krasnik – June 19 2018 – IMAGINING MINUTES – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Imagining Minutes – At the live screening on June 19, 2018 with visiting FILMMAKERS Andrew Mausert-Mooney, Kera MacKensie and Rebecca Krasnik, with curator Lili White. AXW screening — JUNE 19 2018 with Andrew Mausert-Mooney, Kera MacKensie & Rebecca Krasnik from AXW/online Film Festival on Vimeo.
Q & A with FILMMAKERS Ann Oren and Yun Chen – April 18 2018 – TRAVELING THE SPACE WAYS – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Traveling the Space Ways – At the live screening on April 18, 2018 with visiting FILMMAKERS Ann Oren and Yun Chen, with curator Lili White. Q & A – AXW APRIL18, 2018 – Ann Oren & Yun Chen from AXW/online Film Festival on Vimeo.
Q & A with FILMMAKERS Carolin Koss (FINLAND) and Sara Bonaventura (ITALY) – May 9 2017 – WORLD of NATURE – WATCH FREE VIDEO
World of Nature – Question & Answer with Visiting Filmmakers Carolin Koss (Finland) and Sara Bonaventura (Italy) at the AXW Festival on May 9, 2017
Q & A with FILMMAKERS Lana Z. Caplan and Rebekkah Heidenberg – February 28 2018 – LIVING REALITY – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Living Reality – At the live screening on February 28, 2018 with visiting FILMMAKERS Lana Z. Caplan, Rebekkah Heidenberg, & curator Lili White.
Q & A with Filmmakers M.M. Serra & Emily Packer – ENTITLED – April 17 2019 – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Q&A with Filmmakers M.M. Serra & Emily Packer – ENTITLED – April 17 2019 & Emily Packer’s Interactive Film Presentation
Q & A with Filmmakers Morrison Gong & Giselle Chien – COMMUNITY – July 17, 2019 – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Q&A with Filmmakers Morrison Gong & Giselle Chien – COMMUNITY – July 17, 2019
Q & A with Filmmakers Muyassar Kurdi & Sarah Bliss – PORTRAITS Show – October 25 2018 – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Q&A with Filmmakers Muyassar Kurdi & Sarah Bliss – October 25 2018 Here are SARAH BLISS’ full remarks: In common usage, a transit is a journey. It is also the vehicle or the system that makes a journey possible. In astronomy, a transit is the passage of a lesser body across the sun. In engineering, […]
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Another Experiment by Women Film Festival Screening Series
Another Experiment by Women Film Festival Screening Series gives Women's Work a Real Time & Space IN NYC!
THE LAST TRAIN the 1st film of a Triptych along with WALK IN JANU S ARY and THE COLOR OF WIND (on vVIMEO), that respond to the COVID era. The COVID pandemic...The Blues Society: A Documentary Film
Blues masters and beatniks created a festival in Memphis in 1966; this doc tells their story and re-evaluates the 1960s blues revival for tof=day's viewers.benfeitoria.com
Documentário de 72 min. sobre desaparecimentos forçados no Rio de Janeiro atual. // A feature documentary about forced disappearances in Rio de Janeiro today."On Our Own Terms" - 1st official trailer