REPLAY FROM GREEN POINTS curated by Lili White TRT: 52.32 minutes
NEW WORLD; Judy Rifka; 1.22
NEW WORLD is a photomontage of numerous favorite clips. The showstopper, the brand intro to 1930’s Worldwide Production. Continuing the global theme with Spheres from Space Series sequences from collaborations with Daniel Dibble. I juxtaposed outtakes from the various sequences, by lining them up and screen shooting, superimposed onto a Photoshopped digital 3D effect image. If postmodern is said to be a fantasy, this would be it.
HOLD; Denise Iris; 0.45
From the Minimentals project of ultra short films. Through intense observation and unexpected connections, these cinematic haikus transform ordinary moments into reveries that blur the line between inner and outer, real and imagined worlds. In the process, they invite us to rediscover a layer of experience which is often overlooked in the frantic pace of contemporary life. Ongoing project of over 60 films to date, presented as live improvised event curated in collaboration with the audience, gallery installation, and mobile app (upcoming).
This work was shot at an usual angle.
SONICA WALKING; Lucia Maria Minervini; 1.13
Description: Part of an ongoing project in diverse mediums, spanning 15 years, musing on and documenting my movements in place, through space and over time.
ROOFTOP SHORT; Evelin Stermitz; Sound: Elise Kermani; Special credits to Maria João Salema; AUSTRIA; 2.56
A woman positions herself at a rooftop space within a ghostlike paradox situation. The open functional architecture provides a surface for experiments with a person in a usually abandoned area. As a platform, it is theatre space for uncanny moments in an urban context.
59 NOTES; Irina Danilova; USA; 1.13
Part of experimental Project 59, series of artworks where random number is used as an excuse for exploration. 59 NOTES is an impromptu performance during the short visit in Kharkov, Ukraine, after Irina Danilova’s lecture at the Kharkov Karazin University, co-performed with head of department of media and communication, Lidia Starodubtseva, on her heirloom piano with a rich history. –
WATERCOLOR; Fred Hatt; USA; 2.12
Shot with a smartphone, visual artist and filmmaker Fred Hatt’s Watercolor shows light and color blended through lenses of raindrops on a car’s windshield.
MY BATH; Lucia Maria Minervini; USA/ITALY; 0.50
One of a series focusing on common and everyday experiences; preserved, accentuated and embellished.
REDSHIFT; Lili White; USA; 1.47
On the sense of touch. Redshift is the displacement of spectral lines toward longer wavelengths (the red end of the spectrum) in radiation from distant galaxies and celestial objects. This is interpreted as a Doppler shift that is proportional to the velocity of recession and thus to distance.
FIREWORKS; Andrea Callard; USA; 1.19 – film to video, silent
Short work documenting a fire works display, shot from the roof of a restaurant called Alma on Columbia Street in Brooklyn an hour or so after the Belmont Stakes
MEASURING ART: ESTRELLA medidas del arte (diccionario); Rrose Present; SPAIN: 1.47
“Measuring Art”. Measurement of Art addresses the impossibility of finding some objective rules or criteria for judging works in contemporary art from Art.
The postmodern era imposed a rupture of the canons of aesthetic judgment that previously have been aimed at art. With relativsm, every person with “authority” creates her/his own rules. It is the action of measuring art that creates “stars” (estrellas) or “those who crash” (estrellados) –
From the ongoing Minimentals series, ultra short films for personal screens. Through intense observation and unexpected connections, these cinematic haikus transform ordinary moments into whimsical reveries that blur the line between inner and outer, real and imagined worlds. In the process, they invite us to rediscover a layer of experience which is often overlooked in the frantic pace of contemporary life.
HARBOR VIEW; Andrea Callard; USA; 0.09 – film to video, silent
Small playful experiment. I spent five years riding a train over the Manhattan Bridge twice a day.
FIRE LADDER; Cinzia Sarto; ITALY; 2.06
Paolo Buggiani performs with his sculpture under Pantelleria’s volcanic mountain.
COASTAL; Judy Rifka; Music: Daniel Dibble; USA; 1.45 /Coastal is a collaboration with a British artist / composer, Daniel Dibble,with whom I have worked on a number of pieces. Daniel had sent me color discs, animated from his lighted drum set. I placed each disc in a set and “Quick Timed “ numerous shots of them in variegated sizes and combinations.Then I grouped them together in one larger composition.I selected his “Coastal” as a suitable accompaniment.I like the 50’s retro look, redolent of jazz vinyl album covers of the era.
From the Minimentals project of ultra short films. Through intense observation and unexpected connections, these cinematic haikus transform ordinary moments into reveries that blur the line between inner and outer, real and imagined worlds. In the process, they invite us to rediscover a layer of experience which is often overlooked in the frantic pace of contemporary life. Ongoing project of over 60 films to date, presented as live improvised event curated in collaboration with the audience, gallery installation, and mobile app (upcoming).
BEACH BIRDS/GHOSTS OF THE HOLY GHOST SPERMIC BROTHERHOOD; Fred Hatt; Music: “for Pee Wee H.”, by Ghosts of the Holy Ghost Spermic Brotherhood 2016; USA; 7.12;
Over ten years ago I shot video of some sandpipers and gulls on the beach at Fort Tilden in the Rockaways. It was great but I never found any use for it. Last year my friend Andy Haas, who works with me at MoMA, gave me a copy of his improvisational music group’s new album and said it would be great if I could put some video with one of the pieces. As soon as I heard the music, the sandpiper footage came to mind. It had found its use at last. GOTHGSB is: David Grollman: snare drum, objects, balloon, plastic pipe, and vocals; Michael Evans: snare drum, electronics, objects, and vocals; Andy Haas: sax and electronics. All music improvised live with no overdubs. No speed adjustments in the video – sandpipers really run that fast!
WALK IN WALK OUT; Lucia Maria Minervini; USA/ ITALY; 1.51
Loves labors lost – or not? A hard look at the death of illusion and what it can mean in the sometimes harsh light of reality. Who do we need to love more, the beloved or ourselves?
INTEGRATED; Irina Danilova; USA; 1.11 –
The custom video filter maps the number 59 over the input video. It maps thick digits (5 and 9) over dark areas and thin digits to lighter areas. The filter was originally coded by Dubi Kaufmann as an exercise and was modified for Irina Danilova’s Project 59 that uses random number as a lens for experimental explorations. In the video “Integrated” Irina is impersonating herself, looking through the digital wall.
LES BLOCKS; Evelin Stermitz; Special credits to Kharlique Gardner; AUSTRIA; 01.10
Originally a 3 channel video, of New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) blocks on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. This piece depicts the living situation in a desperate perspective, surrounded by all equal blocks as a political statement.
FREE TIME!; Cinzia Sarto; ITALY; 1.11
Cartagena, Colombia, Avenida El Lago, January 2010.In this performance, “street artist” Paolo Buggiani continues his long-life research on “the intuition of time”.
FRAGMENTS OF A SELF PORTRAIT #1; Andrea Callard; USA; 1.36
Fragments of a Self Portrait were made in 1974, using a Sony Portapak, and shot by Mac Becket at 150 Chambers Street, NY NY. It is edited in camera and we did not remove the scan lines between takes during the preservation. Stair climbing is effortful and makes use of one’s will. The loud boots were made from the gauze and plaster bandages then used for casts for broken limbs. The costume was very comfortable and also hooded and monk-like, part of a lager group of handmade performance outfits. When another 1/2″ portapak tape was digitized, it became clear that the first tape digitized is a copy and the the other “fragments” follow this introduction on the longer tape that is also now digitized.
Olga Ohs is from Karlstad, Sweden. She is descended from a long line of wolf breeders. But she has decided not to breed. Instead, she makes digital videos that are brief and thin.
IN\EXIT; Cinzia Sarto; Music: Alvin Curran.; mini dv(4\3); ITALY; 4.51′
Paolo Buggiani’s Minotaur follow a tread of fire through a labyrinth of memories, a maze of time as well as space transmutes the ancient into the modern.
SISTER of WISDOM; Lili White; Music: Dalia With; Text: HILDEGARD of BINGEN; Singer: GISBURG; Produced at: Harvestworks, NYC; 9.54
HILDEGARD of BINGEN, was a German Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, visionary, artist and polymath. Born on September 16, 1098, she entered a monastery at a young age. Upon the death of her mentor in 1136, she was unanimously elected as leader. This election would lead to a significant move, executed in the midst of great op-position, of 20 sisters to a newly-formed monastery, Saint Rupertsberg at Bingen on the Rhine in 1150, where she became abbess. In 1141, she received God’s call: “Write down that which you see and hear”. Her illustrations and writings based on her visions are available in print.
BAPTISM by FIRE; Lucia Maria Minervini; USA/ ITALY; 1.35
Turning a phrase, playing with words, seeking what lies beyond the banal; abandoning the superficial reveals deep emotion and elusive truths.
RESET ME; Rrose Present; SPAIN; 2.44
RESET ME or “dirty clothes are washed at home”
We all need to clean up the ghosts of the present, past or future and sometimes we can only access to the domestic ritual of cleaning clothes. Here, this daily act, becomes an abstract aesthetic-hypnotic experience with the noise of thoughts to perform a catharsis that cleanses the spirit and body of the “noise” of reason … fears … (Sound and image from a single shot of my washing machine 2015-2017)
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