Show 25 THROUGH MY SKIN — TRT: 21.06
Humanity activates
- Look Out Point; Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson; Sound: Evelyn Ficarra; ICELAND & USA; 5.00
Look Out Point documents landscape through the lens of designated vantage viewsRead more...
Look Out Point documents landscape through the lens of designated vantage views. These designated points, usually for tourists and travelers to stretch their legs, take a picture and have a picnic, reveal change in our use of land and our physical position in relation to the landscape. Points of interest on this travelogue follow my family’s emigration from Iceland to the United States, and include the Karahnjukur Hydropower Plant and Alcoa Fjardaal Aluminum Smelter in eastern Iceland, as well as the Garrison Dam and Williston Basin Oil Wells in North Dakota.
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Symbiocene; Jenny Brown; AUSTRALIA; 7:57
Sound Collaborators: The Tipping Point by De-Franco featuring the spoken word of Glenn Albrecht from the album Solastalgia and Raffaella WashingtonRead more...
Glenn Albrecht has situated his concept of solastalgia, or the lived experience of negative environmental change, alongside other ideas that attempt to capture the distinctive forms of grief and mourning that are emerging in the Anthropocene (the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment).
In the first section of this work we are all being stripped naked whilst also riding on other parts of the machinery of capitalism, in this case switching between the roles of excavator operator, television studio audience, television audience and audio-guide learner for the decisions we make for the situations we find ourselves in every day, if we are privileged enough to have options and the inculcated skills to navigate them.
In the second section of the work we come to know that our illness of solastalgia cannot be diagnosed then treated by the biomedical sciences of medicine or psychiatry. In the final section our journey is set in motion towards the Symbiocene.
- Rooftop Short; Evelin Stermitz; Sound: Elise Kermani; Special credits to Maria João Salema; AUSTRIA; 2.56
A woman positions herself at a rooftop space within a ghostlike paradox situationRead more...
- Body Contours; Kristin Reeves; USA; 6.00
Make movies in your mind, feel the soundtrack, and drift away from your body “for the win.”Read more...
Make movies in your mind, feel the soundtrack, and drift away from your body “for the win.” Produced through a media art residency at Signal Culture using real-time analog video processing tools and found 16mm educational films.
“Bold, gorgeous artifacts of signal interference, given the existential weight they deserve, test the very limits of the human mind’s ability to interpret its own body: visually, experientially, ontologically.” – Indie Grits