Q & A with FILMMAKERS Rebekkah Palov (USA) and Cinzia Sarto (ITALY) – TALKING to GOD – October 5 2016 – WATCH FREE VIDEO
Talking to God – At the live screening on October 5, 2016 with visiting FILMMAKERS Cinzia Sarto (ITALY), Rebekkah Palov (USA), & curator Lili White. (taped by Margot Niederland)
Rebecca Louise Tiernan
Rebecca Louise Tiernan – One Mississippi; (2009); Music: I Will be Done by Amigo Male Singers; D.P: Ben Jones; 16mm; TRT: 5:05 is in Show 10 Pesky Thoughts A psycho-narrative of four girls playing skipping rhymes in a barren field with a lonesome Scarecrow. REBECCA TIERNAN is Irish American, grown up between the States and […]
Rebecca Ruige Xu
Rebecca Ruige Xu – ANATOMY OF A POEM in Show 15 Value Judgments – currently teaches computer art and animation as an Associate Professor at Syracuse University. Her artwork and research interests include experimental animation, visual music, artistic data visualization, interactive installations, digital performance and virtual reality. Her recent work has appeared at: ISEA Juried Exhibition; […]
Rebekkah Palov
Rebekkah Palov, b. USA 1969, has a background in cinema with art practice in music, video, digital-print and performance. Her screen and sound work has been exhibited internationally including exhibition at Anthology Film Archives NYC, Mass MoCA Boston, The STONE NYC, Chongqing Huangjueping Art Festival China, Oblo Film Festival Lausanne Switzerland, AMODA – Austin TX , […]
Reveries – Karissa Hahn
REVERIES; Karissa Hahn; SUPER 8; TRT: 3.38 Aristotle’s belief: … the organs, not just the eye, retains the image … these sensations are retained and return to haunt the sleep … Bodies are vessels that take in images – Can we not see ghosts because our eye lags perception and we miss it? Are ghosts […]
Rhayne Vermette
Rhayne Vermette Black Rectangle; (2013); 16mm; TRT: 1.30 is in Show 11 Get Up Stand Up Tricks are for Kiddo; (2012); 16mm; TRT: 2.22 is in Show 9 Beyond the Body’s Frame Tudor Village: A One Shot Deal; (2012); 16mm; TRT: 5:15 is in Show 2 Hometown Rhayne Vermette is an artist from Winnipeg. She is the […]
Rita Piffer
Rita Piffer earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), and her MFA in Cinema at San Francisco State University (USA). Her short films have been screened internationally at Independent Film Festivals and Art Galleries. She lived in San Francisco (CA) for almost nine years, where she created a […]
Rose Selavee – Coleen Fitzgibbon
ROSE SELAVEE; Coleen Fitzgibbon; TRT: 5.00 A rose is a rose is a rose in saturated color. The experimental film Rose is a meditation on Shiva in the aniconic garden surrounded by animals. The garden reflected in 1080HD. You’ve seen a lot of changes in the experimental film world, what do you think is important […]
Rrose Present
Rrose Present NEXT LIVE SCREENING: August 2nd, 2017 at Anthology NOW ONLINE: Landscape_1 Landscape_2.0; Show 16 – Landscape Comes Attached CODES OF… SENSES II is in Show 20 Political Restings Reset Me; Show 24 – The Verdant Following a master’s degree in contemporary art, I wanted to take on the challenge to express my theories of […]
Ruth Hayes
Ruth Hayes Copper Perforation Loop Triptych Show 23 – There We Are Ruth Hayes animates in film, video and pre-cinema formats, exploring diverse topics using experimental approaches to both form and content. Her 1990 video Wanda contrasts feline and feminine desire and her 1994 film, Reign of the Dog; A Re-visionist History critiques mainstream representations […]
Sara Bonaventura
Sara Bonaventura She Vanishes; Show 19 – I Dented Oriented Chronoscope; Show 24 – The Verdant See the Free Video of Visiting Filmmaker Sara Bonaventura at an AXW NYC screening on 5/ 9/2017 under LIVE FESTIVALS Sara Bonaventura is a visual artist with an MA in Art History, who intertwines her digi or analog filming […]
Sasha Waters Freyer
Born in Brooklyn in 1968, Sasha Waters Freyer is a moving image artist who makes unsentimental films about the loss of innocence, real or imagined. Watch a free video of Question & Answer session with FILMMAKER Sasha Waters Freyer – AXW Film Festival on 9/30/2015 — under Live Festivals Her works have screened at the […]
She Learns To Lunge – Katya Yakubov
SHE LEARNS TO LUNGE; (2009); Katya Yakubov; TRT: 8.30 How many shapes do the terrors of the mind take? Several transformations lead to an awakening between a modern house and a dark forest. What as your creative process with this film? Over several months, there was a slow accumulation of seemingly-disparate, time-based images, playing on […]
Show 01 – Enduring Adversity
ENDURING ADVERSITY (show 1) – TRT: 28.21 Pick up and lift. Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 02 – Hometown
HOMETOWN (show 2) — TRT: 21.14 Love it, leave it, find it, make it anew. Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 03 – Body of Another
BODY OF ANOTHER (show 3) — TRT: 29.21 What can be seen, behind our eyes. Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 04 – Home-Making
HOME-MAKING (show 4) — TRT: 25.51 Definition: Managing of the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 05 – Animal’s Planet
ANIMAL’S PLANET (show 5) – TRT: 23.32 The human animal modifies its living environment. Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 06 – Psychedelic States
PSYCHEDELIC STATES (show 6) – TRT: 24.14 E-x-p-a-n-d consciousness. Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 07 – Mother Nature / Human Nature
MOTHER NATURE / HUMAN NATURE (show 7) – TRT: 23.32 Fighting to compete Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 08 – Over Land & Sea
OVER LAND & SEA (show 8) – TRT: 32.21 Mise-en-Scene and Us Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 09 – Beyond the Body’s Frame
BEYOND THE BODY’S FRAME (show 9) – TRT: 28.00 Balancing Heaven, Human, Earth Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 10 – Pesky Thoughts
PESKY THOUGHTS (show 10) – TRT: 22.31 Well, You Know Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 11 – Get Up Stand Up
GET UP STAND UP (show 11) – TRT: 32.04 Political Overtones Percolating Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 12 – Twilight Mindset
TWILIGHT MINDSET (show 12) – TRT: 24.50 Victory or Defeat Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 13 – Fun & Games
FUN & GAMES (show 13) – TRT: 22.50 What is a “movie” What do we experience? What part does this play in society; and what part does it play our lives? Why make this? Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 14 – Spirit Dreams
SPIRIT DREAMS (show 14) – TRT: 32.39 On the interior characters within us: Who are they and what do they want? Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 15 – Value Judgments
VALUE JUDGMENTS (show 15) – TRT: 28.39 What is the value of connection and how is it done? Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 16 – Landscape Comes Attached
LANDSCAPE COMES ATTACHED (show 16) – TRT: 20.19 How much space do we take up? How far does this reach? Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 17 – Apparitions
APPARITIONS (show 17) – TRT: 30.49 Personal minds with reviews of that other force… Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 18 – Crystal Umbrellas
CRYSTAL UMBRELLAS (show 18) – TRT: 37.00 Re-examining our place in the world. Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 19 – I Dented Oriented
I DENTED ORIENTED (show 19) – TRT: 30.22 Reflections made. Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 20 – Political Restings
POLITICAL RESTINGS (show 20) – TRT: 25.34 The Whole World is Our Backyard Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 21 – Mother’s Day
MOTHER’S DAY (show 21) – TRT: 21.30 Somewhere: Our Mother and Ourself Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 22 – In & Outdoors
IN & OUTDOORS (show 22) – TRT: 30.22 What is near, what is dear, what is our own? Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 23 – There We Are
Show 23 THERE WE ARE – TRT– 21.34 How much / How great: my portion Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 24 – The Verdant
Show 24 THE VERDANT – TRT: 27.27 Sharing Space Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Show 25 – Through My Skin
Show 25 THROUGH MY SKIN — TRT: 21.06 Humanity activates Thank you for supporting the filmmakers who are presented in this show!
Snake-Foot – Lili White
SNAKE FOOT; Lili White; TRT: 5.18 One day, I discovered an “s” on my toenail… One day, in real-life, I found an “S” had appeared on my toe. I “performed” in Nature as a meditation on this event, remembering that the Egyptians have a sign that combines a snake and foot, which I don’t know the […]
Su Friedrich
Su Friedrich has produced and directed twenty three films and videos, including Gut Renovation (2012), From the Ground Up (2007), The Odds of Recovery (2002), Hide and Seek (1996), Sink or Swim (1990), Damned If You Don’t (1987), The Ties That Bind (1984), and Gently Down the Stream (1981). Friedrich is the writer, director, cinematographer, […]
Subtlety in the Audio
I really appreciated how the screening on May 14 flowed well together aurally. Each work shown displayed a subtlety in its audio, an emphasis on quieter sounds such as breath, the tide, more subtle forms of beat, and ambient soundtracks. This aural tendency leant a real sense of continuity to the evening’s program. – Ursula
Tara Merenda Nelson
Tara Merenda Nelson – Hull; (2013); 16mm; TRT: 7.22 in Show 1 – Enduring Adversity A Pattern Language; (2010) 16mm; TRT: 8:00 in Show 4 Home-Making Tara Merenda Nelson is a Boston-based filmmaker, curator and installation artist. Her work has been exhibited in galleries, museums basements and backyards throughout the United States and Canada, including the Museum […]
Terra Jean Long
Terra Jean Long – Push / Pull / Recover; (2013); Camera: Tara Khalilia; 16mm; TRT: 3.39 is found in Show 1 – Enduring Adversity A meditation on motion through stillness with breath. Shot in single frames on 16mm and hand painted. Terra Jean Long is an independent filmmaker and educator. She creates tapestry like works that […]
The Borough – Kelly Oliver
THE BOROUGH; (2009); Kelly Oliver; Digi; TRT: 1.32 There are a lot of ugly things in this world. I wish I could protect you from them. There is a line in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird in which the character Atticus Finch says to his son, “There’s a lot of ugly things in this […]
The Broken News Series: Disaster – Lori Felker
THE BROKEN NEWS SERIES: DISASTER (2012); Lori Felker; TRT: 5.00 This comes from an experiment/performance: an intimate attempt at reporting, mediating and being mediated. Your method seems to have a lot of humor to it, this is unusual in experimental films, how did this come about? I like to call these videos “TV-shaped”. I’ve done […]
The Kitchen Sink – Lili White
THE KITCHEN SINK; (2010); Lili White; digi; TRT: 11.24 Bombarding you with information about the Earth and our food, that straddles the physical and metaphysical stratum, presenting implications that stretch between humor and horrific reality. What was your creative process with this film? I wanted to bombard the viewer with information about the Earth and […]
The May 14th screening had a beautiful arch
The May 14th screening had a beautiful arch. The theme of body within the frame was clear and prevalent. Yet the diversity of the work and the different ways in which the artists were approaching the body created nuance and an interesting tension within the screening. The body was handled in such a way that […]
The Story of the Octopus with a Heartshaped Head – Alessandra Cianelli
THE STORY OF THE OCTOPUS WITH A HEARTSHAPED HEAD; Alessandra Cianelli; TRT: 11.40 Once upon a time there was a heart beating, that threw itself into the sea… Through broad visionary material, The Story of the Octopus with a Heart-Shaped Head is actually a fairy tale, showing an existentialist experience carrying an autobiographical character and […]
This is a great festival
This is a great festival. I’m so glad it exists! – Noe Kidder
THREE New Shows for 2017!
We’ve just added THREE New Shows! There are now 100 Experimental Films, culled from the ANOTHER EXPERIMENT BY WOMEN FILM FESTIVAL, always viewable on AXW/online for personal use, streaming into your computer, tablet, television, or home entertainment center.
Tova Beck-Friedman
Tova Beck-Friedman On The Other Side Show 23 – There We Are
Toxic Park – Cinzia Sarto & Emita Frigato
TOXIC PARK; (2012); Cinzia Sarto & Emita Frigato; Digi; TRT: 11.22 Trapped in the Amusement Park, a child’s perceptions waver between illusion and reality. A young girl stares at the transformation of her own reflection into a robotic Avatar until she finally disappears. There seems to be a lot of social concerns in your works […]
Tricks are for Kiddo – Rhayne Vermette
TRICKS ARE FOR KIDDO; Rhayne Vermette; 16mm; TRT: 2.22 In 2010, Winnipeg director, Guy Maddin exclaims: It’s impossible to collage a film! Tell us about the source material used in Tricks Are For Kiddo, and about your creative process with it. The source material came from the found footage readily available at the Winnipeg Film […]
Tudor Village: A One Shot Deal – Rhayne Vermette
TUDOR VILLAGE: A ONE SHOT DEAL; (2012); Rhayne Vermette; 16mm; TRT: 5:15 In pursuit of an eclipse, the citizens of Winnipeg flee the city. Meanwhile, stranded in Tudor Village, the caretaker does his best to interrupt their trajectory & entice everyone to return. Did you use found footage for this film? This film is a […]
Una Sporca Vacanza (Dirty Vacation) – Cinzia Sarto
UNA SPORCA VACANZA (DIRTY VACATION); (2010); Cinzia Sarto; digi; TRT: 7.00 Inside a labyrinth of cement cubes, debris by the sea, humans distracted by the rituals of vacation seem indifferent to the world surrounding them. A veiled woman is searches for a way out. This was my first video experiment were in the same frame […]
Upbeat Nothingness – Leila Jarman
UPBEAT NOTHINGNESS; Leila Jarman; TRT: 3.14 In Berlin, five people “stuck” and restricted by routine, breakout, upon finding their truest selves thru color and forms of movement. Read more…” status=”progression_closed”] How did this film come about? and what is it about We were interested in studying the human form through movement and dance. The idea was […]
Valérie Pelet
Valérie Pelet’s film, PI KA CHU is found in Show 13 Fun & Games Since 2002 she is realizing solo and group projects in Austria and abroad inter alia Vienna, Oslo, Marseille and Brussel. 2003 – 2008 Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria 2004-2006 Member of the artist group kalida508D. 2005 – 2006 Fine Arts […]
Victoria – Olivia Ciummo
VICTORIA; (2012); Olivia Ciummo; Digi, TRT: 10:21 Three sisters search for a place to rest in different landscapes – versions of utopia are taken away, leaving them with impressions of a war. How did this film come about, and what is it about? Victoria came about as a way to explore cyclical ideas in a […]
Was Being Moved? – Ye Mimi
WAS BEING MOVED?; Ye Mimi; TRT: 11.00 About the state of moving and being moved: When people build a boat to carry themselves; when people start to walk backwards; when gods lead people to step on the Earth… Is it possible that everyone becomes someone else’s “far-afar” in the continuous movement? Can you tell us […]
Working With Nature – This is My Show – Lori Felker
WORKING WITH NATURE – THIS IS MY SHOW; (2011) Lori Felker; Digi; TRT: 14:44 Working with Nature can be grueling and painful, but your hostess Adrienne is ready and willing to walk you through what it takes to perfect and control your surroundings. Your method seems to have a lot of humor to it, this […]
Ye Mimi
Ye Mimi – Was Being Moved? (2012); Digi; TRT: 11.00 is in Show 6 Psychedelic States Ye Mimi is a Taiwanese poet and filmmaker. A graduate of the MFA Creative Writing Department at Dong Hwa University and the MFA Film Department at School of the Art Institute of Chicago, she is the author of […]
Yuko Takebe
Yuko Takebe is a graduate of the MFA program in film making at Columbia University, New York City. Her work experience has included being an assistant producer at Toho Visual Arts Company and an assistant director at Media Lab, Tokyo, Japan. She has made eleven short films ranging in styles from narrative to documentary to experimental, […]
Yvette Granata
Yvette Granata – 2198 Ghosts in the Sun, People in the Sea; Digi; TRT: 3.20 is in Show 3 Body of Another Split-screen and vertical motion, and a series of 2,198 photographs taken in my deceased grandparents home in Abruzzo, Italy. It is a self-portrait through the re-organization of time and space. Yvette Granata is […]
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Another Experiment by Women Film Festival Screening Series
Another Experiment by Women Film Festival Screening Series gives Women's Work a Real Time & Space IN NYC!
THE LAST TRAIN the 1st film of a Triptych along with WALK IN JANU S ARY and THE COLOR OF WIND (on vVIMEO), that respond to the COVID era. The COVID pandemic...The Blues Society: A Documentary Film
Blues masters and beatniks created a festival in Memphis in 1966; this doc tells their story and re-evaluates the 1960s blues revival for tof=day's viewers.benfeitoria.com
Documentário de 72 min. sobre desaparecimentos forçados no Rio de Janeiro atual. // A feature documentary about forced disappearances in Rio de Janeiro today."On Our Own Terms" - 1st official trailer