WORKING WITH NATURE – THIS IS MY SHOW; (2011) Lori Felker; Digi; TRT: 14:44
Working with Nature can be grueling and painful, but your hostess Adrienne is ready and willing to walk you through what it takes to perfect and control your surroundings.
Your method seems to have a lot of humor to it, this is unusual in experimental films, how did this come about?
I often say that I never write jokes, I’m just drawn to awkwardness, failure and vulnerability. And i like to put these things in a position in which we can enjoy them and learn from them. When you put a character on screen under those circumstances, people find themselves laughing earnestly, empathetically, perhaps giggling at odd juxtapositions, or nervously chuckling out of embarrassment. I want to explore all of these avenues– humor is so ripe and complex.
Humor exists in a natural, common, performative state, an area of human culture that seems to both define and challenge both groups and individuals on a daily basis. Humor is what we reach out for to feel human, to enjoy being human, to communicate something human as we play, interact, anticipate, wait, and realize. I hope that my work sets up situations that contain an intersection between satire, honesty, the uncanny and the nerve-wracking, where one might be able to find the relief of laughter, an audible connection with an audience, or be lost in a guffaw of disbelief.
What was your creative process with these films?, do you write them first?
This Is My Show was sourced from my own and other people’s lists of complaints and pet peeves. I wrote the dialog for the character Adrienne, but I also had to write a normal script, one that I could follow with my gestures. Having memorized both, I would run through the information and hand motions referring to daisies and planting and not over-watering (or whatever) but then I would insert Adrienne’s complaints and commentary on top of these relatively normal gardening poses. And voila! Weirdness.
I like to call this video “TV-shaped”. I’ve done four variations now: gardening, travel, teen science and the news. I plan to do more.