Show 23 THERE WE ARE – TRT– 21.34
How much / How great: my portion
- Copper Perforation Loop Triptych; Ruth Hayes; Soundtrack: Peter Randlette; USA; 3:21
Iterations of Copper Perforation Loop, an original length of direct animationRead more...
Iterations of Copper Perforation Loop, an original length of direct animation created by scraping emulsion off of 16mm black leader against a 5” diameter circular disc of perforated copper. The Triptych includes the original loop, and hand processed contact prints, one of which was printed onto Liquid Light coated clear leader. Digital post in AfterEffects.
- On The Other Side; Tova Beck-Friedman; USA; 5.58
A living portrait of the aging woman as her “youngness” slips awayRead more...
On the Other Side is a living portrait of the aging woman as her “youngness” slips away. Based on a poem by Natalie H. Rogers, the film interweaves voice, animation and music to lay bare the essence of a woman’s vanishing youth; her aging process is irrevocable revealing a deeply fragile and touching reality.
- Staring At The Ceiling; Carla Forte; Music: Omar Roque; USA; 4:55
The ceiling stares at you...
- OVerTURE EnD ing; Lili White; USA; 8.00
One of the largest prejudice (pre-judgement) the world exhibits is that against the race of womenRead more...
One of the largest prejudice (pre-judgement) the world exhibits is that against the gender of women. Growing up female presents many of its own issues. Usually, it’s not until a female has passed middle age that she realizes how real and often hidden this sexism is.
At the cusp of old age, when her looks are gone, opportunities are few or no longer existent, and experiencing a consistent loss of friends, family and worldly connections, gives a conscious person pause to ask many questions; even as a newer prejudice appears: ageism, which occurs against all sexes of the elderly.
I made this film with these thoughts in mind, while a NEW YEAR was rolling in.
The elements the aquarium fish, parade dragons and statuary move in and out of material space and dream place, as the un-conscious is the bedrock of humans. The ripped, animal skin, coat leans into something deeper.
Color is used like a painter: a balance of opposites is indicated in the red & green vessels holding it. Blue is another thing.