How much space do we take up? How far does this reach?
- LANDSCAPE_1 LANDSCAPE_2.0; Rrose Present; TRT: 6.14; SPAIN
LANDSCAPE: Humanity sees herself through this gaze that represents it.Read more...
- GELOST (SOLVED); Stefanie Weberhofer; TRT: 2.05; AUSTRIA
A glimpse into a microcosmos of chemical processes, filmed and applied on the 16mm film material.
A glimpse into a microcosmos of chemical processes, filmed and applied on the 16mm film material.

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- SAARI; Ella Mikkola; TRT: 6.00; 16mm & digi
A film about longing and letting go.
The Finnish word “SAARI” means an island. The film is an experimental video collage that explores themes like safety, distance and connection through a subjective memory. The intricacies of the desire to preserve a memory while also attempting to move forward from it serves as an inspiration to this film.
- CANNOT PREDICT NOW; Kimberly Burleigh; TRT: 4.38; USA
CANNOT PREDICT NOW features a spherical form that continuously evolves to perform its function as a predictor of the future.Read more...
Kimberly Burleigh; Russ Johnson, Sound and Edit; Music: “Smoke” by Mara Helmuth & Rick Van Matre
A magic crystal soccer ball shatters to become a vessel in a tolijabee, a Korean birthday ritual. After a brief phase of capnomancy, or divination using smoke; a rotorelief/wheel-of-fortune emerges and spins out a vague prophecy.