SPIRIT DREAMS (show 14) – TRT: 32.39
On the interior characters within us: Who are they and what do they want?
- SHARING IS CARING Laura Hyunjhee Kim; TRT: 2.33; USA
An exploration in the various modes of communication, is presented in the formats of a music video, with appropriated tropes of popular culture, and an abstraction of words and imagery through repetition.Read more...
- ISLAND STORY; Alisa Berger; 8mm & Super 8 to digi; TRT: 6.18; GERMANY
A grainy vintage-like feel permeates the alien world and mixes in with the mixtures with the assumed real world. -- Jaqueline Valencia, TheseGirlsOnFilmRead more...
Blindingly and like a Martian horizon, the sun plays with the viewer’s stability. A narrator gives the account of a strange tale of a couple on a transformative journey into a world of paradise with no language. Animalistic gesticulations and instinctive expression emanate from the body until both of them grow apart and then into other versions of themselves, never to be the same again.

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- THE SPIRITUAL MACHINE; Ana Rodríguez León; TRT: 19:00; SPAIN
An hypnotic travel to the inner part of human being and the deep mistery it keeps inside.Read more...
Actress: Elzbieta Surmacz; Music: David Crespo; Director of photography: Nadia McGowan; Edit: Emm Tusell, Ana Rodríguez León;
A mistery so full of beauty and of destructive potential. Illness, understood as a possible conflict between the emotive, cognitive and bodily facets of human being, reveals its power as a tool for introspection and self-knowledge.
- LIGHT DIVIDES THE SQUARE; Kimberly Burleigh; TRT: 4.48; USA
Computer animation features “rippling caustics,” or refracted light patterns, cast by a virtual fluid body.Read more...
I formed the virtual fluid body in the computer and then created a rippling surface by periodically perturbing it with invisible shape-shifting objects. I cast a virtual light on the fluid and as the rays of light passed through the surface they refracted and created the “rippling caustics” on another surface placed beneath the fluid surface. (The light patterns on the bottom of a swimming pool are an example of rippling caustics.) The repercussive wave formations as they collided with each other and the edges of the square pool created new patterns. To enhance the aesthetic experience, I added sampled sounds of ringing tones of a finger gliding the edges of crystal glasses, rain, and ice and water tinkling in a glass bowl.