Another Experiment by Women Film Festival (AXW)
has promoted and screened women’s experimental films since 2010 in Manhattan NY. Many of these works feature underrepresented themes and issues distinct to women and girls.
The presentation of experimental film remains somewhat invisible to the general public and is not usually seen outside of an academic or film society realm; these public screenings give visibility to women’s work; and all program notes and blog posts are archived on our web-site.
Each grouping of AXW’s gathered films is designed to speak to a shared underlying topic, and presents texture to that particular curated lineup.
The NYC shows have received many positive comments from the audience who have remarked that these are distinctive screening experiences.
We believe the short film is its own art form; AXW/online is curating selected short shows of shorts for online streaming, to be seen for a small fee to support the filmmakers.
The shows are designed so that each selected film is chosen and curated in sequence, forming a connective link to the following film, that defines an underlying quality between them all.
This makes each show different, with its own individual feeling, and some shared subject matter, and in each cluster, all the films buzz in conversation with each other, and curbs “searching” for experimental works via the Internet.
In 2012, The London Feminist Film Festival (
provided the following statistics on their site regarding the commercial film world:
Women comprised 5% of all directors working on the top 250 US films of 2011….
Between 2007 and 2010 just 11.8% of UK films released were directed by women….
These facts alone would seem to be enough to account for a showcase of work made by women, which some have judged to be exclusionist, obsolete, and unimportant.
Although AXW is not the Hollywood-Indie Industry, we believe women’s work has its own forms, that create a deeper dialogue about the film’s subject.
Alanna Simone, director of the MIA Screening Series in Pasadena California found that after a screening of AXW’s curated films in December 2012; the audience of 22 people each had their own favorite film of what was presented!
Many dedicated filmmakers have taken up our invitation and submit their work for inclusion in AXW events; where many new voices are given a place & time to be seen; and where many filmmakers meet each other for the first time.
Women’s own vision is unique and can feature political, familial, social or body issues, and often goes unseen. Films with such themes and any films made by women are an alternative to what is presented at most theaters and/or “experimental” screenings.
“As a curator, White’s intentions are to raise the profile of women within the experimental film community, often by framing or aligning the feminine with disruptive or elusive logic, formal innovation, or alternate theories of connection as a way of renewing an experimental film language and practice that constantly threatens to approach stability or establishment. This continues the feminist tradition of seeking out what is typically marginalized, effaced, or excluded as a way of expanding perception or the qualities and nature of perceptibility. Since this kind of curation is more alternate than separatist, and works though dialogue while acknowledging separation, it can give audiences a more immediate sense of the influence the feminine has had on mainstream practices within the experimental community.” — Angela Ferraiolo
Your support for AXWFF (Another Experiment by Women Film Festival) is support of such values. AXWFF intends to continue to program in upcoming years.
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Another Experiment by Women Film Festival Screening Series
Another Experiment by Women Film Festival Screening Series gives Women's Work a Real Time & Space IN NYC!
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