SHOW 4: 9th SEASON — WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16, 2019 — 6:00 PM
curated by Lili White
TRT: 54.08 minutes
COSMOS OBSCURA; Katherine Balsley; Sound Design: Irina Escalante-Chernova; 4.00 In COSMOS OBSCURA, the universe is at once known and unknowable. New patterns, rhythms and metaphors are born from old ones, and familiar celestial bodies are refracted into strange and unusual forms. The visuals were created from photographs taken from the Voyager II spacecraft. Photographs of the planets and their moons were abstracted and animated in order to create various patterns, rhythms and images. Other images were inspired by astronomical charts and diagrams, and were created through Adobe Photoshop and After Effects. The musical work was originally created for 8 channels and subsequently adapted to the stereo version. The music focuses on the work from different backgrounds with the noises of nature and those which have an electronic source. Different techniques of electronic experimentation are used such as subtractive synthesis for filtering and modeling of the white noise, as well as granular synthesis, additive synthesis, phase vocoder; in addition to effects with some filters. Technique: Sound Forge 4.5, Ableton Live, Keyboard DX-7 and Soprano voice.
WISDOM; Tova Beck-Friedman; Dancer: Juliet Neidish; Narrator: Jaclyn Beck; Dancer: Juliet Neidish; USA; 3.58
WISDOM is part of an ongoing series of videos concentrating on myths and legends about women. These ancient stories, when told today, provide legitimacy to the current status quo of power and social order.
Traces of women’s strength, wisdom, and political power, though rare in the patriarchal messaging, are tucked away and even derided. In the book of Proverbs, Hochma, the ancient Hebrew goddess of wisdom and her temple are being described and ridiculed at the same time.
GENEVA. CHAPTER ONE; Valentina Besegher; Original score by Alessandro Massobrio performed by ensemble Lux:nm; GERMANY; 6.57
“Time is the father of truth, its mother is our mind“ (G. Bruno)
Geneva / Chapter One classifies sequences of traces, practices or phenomena connected to the presence in its ex-static sense by means of an exchange of references on a two-channel video as a prelude to the loss of an interpretative code.
THE OPEN WINDOW; Lynne Siefert; USA; 7.00
Like restless waiting missiles, pillars of industrial machinery send us to desolate lunar surfaces.
LAURA; Tânia Dinis; Production: Tânia Dinis & Jorge Quintela; storyteller: Tânia Dinis; Text: Regina Guimarães; Portugal; 10.00
Laura is an essay film whose inception began from a project of research and collection of familial photographical archives. It departs from the exploration of the notion of images as bygone experiences in time which, from that timelessness, expand in space, thus creating small narrative moments.
INUNDADA; Michelle Trujillo; USA: TRT: 16:09
INUNDADA is a retelling and reclamation of the Latinx folk tale of La Llorona. It explores different versions of her story that were passed on to the maker through the tradition of oral story telling. It approaches the subjects of intergenerational pain, guilt, and shame as products of a colonial-patriarchal environment on the human body.
PWDRE SER THE ROT OF STARS; Charlotte Pryce; USA; 6.44
The film depicts an encounter with a mysterious, luminous, electrical substance. Inspired equally by medieval accounts of visionary experiences and by 19th century photography of the invisible, “Pwdre Ser” joins Kirlian photography with hand-processed images.
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