Wednesday DECEMBER 6, 2017 – 6 PM
curated by Lili White
TRT: 59 minutes
Filmmakers Kristin Reeves and Diane Nerwen will be in the house!
STARING AT THE CEILING; Carla Forte; Music by: Omar Roque; USA; 4:55
Dance oriented: The ceiling stares at you and you do not stare back, and you leave it all alone, without sky, staring at its palindrome – which is the floor.
DEJAR; Caitlin Díaz; Sound- Jonathan Almaraz; USA; 5:44
Too often we view our lives in black and white, perpetuating false perceptions of our own existence. It is this actuality that inspired the hand drawn animation, DEJAR. The film oscillates between the calm and the chaotic—an eternal cycle we must all learn to navigate.
LOOK OUT POINT; Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson; Sound: Evelyn Ficarra; ICELAND/ USA; 5.00
Look Out Point documents landscape through the lens of designated vantage views. These designated points, usually for tourists and travelers to stretch their legs, take a picture and have a picnic, reveal change in our use of land and our physical position in relation to the landscape. Points of interest on this travelogue follow my family’s emigration from Iceland to the United States, and include the Karahnjukur Hydropower Plant and Alcoa Fjardaal Aluminum Smelter in eastern Iceland, as well as the Garrison Dam and Williston Basin Oil Wells in North Dakota.
SIGHT UNSEEN; Diane Nerwen; USA; 7.00
A reverie that merges shot and found images of iconic New York City into a dislocated screenscape. City walkers stroll dreamily through hazy streets and glowing lights where images are more real than the city itself
BODY CONTOURS; Kristin Reeves; USA; 6.00
Make movies in your mind, feel the soundtrack, and drift away from your body “for the win.” Produced through a media art residency at Signal Culture using real-time analog video processing tools and found 16mm educational films.
“Bold, gorgeous artifacts of signal interference, given the existential weight they deserve, test the very limits of the human mind’s ability to interpret its own body: visually, experientially, ontologically.” – Indie Grits
AS LONG AS I LIVE; Liliana Resnick; words and voice over: Emer Martin; cast: Tatjana Kaurinovic; Croatia/USA; 8:30
When someone close to us commits a suicide how do we ever grieve without anger? A young forsaken woman wanders the dark, winter streets paralyzed in a loop of grief.
CLARA; Janelle VanderKelen; USA; 8:00
The repetitive motions of the canning process quietly remap the accreted horrors of female labor that intervenes in the lifespan of a vegetable arrested in forever-summer. A circuitous wandering explores this process and confuses conceptions of time and space as seasons accumulate into undifferentiated years of feminine relation to and reinvention of natural growth cycles. The physical constraints of the domestic and embodied architectures are eventually completely subverted by the excessive act of preservation.
RIVERLAND; Saida Benzal; Editor & Sound design: Armand Rovira, Saida Benzal. Music: Vogt; SPAIN; 8´27
In a mesmerizing reality, Riverland invites us to stroll along the land of the river Vinalopó in Elche. A mysterious nature where animals, insects and specters converge. The mirrors and reflections of the own landscape head us into a puzzling trip to this river area.
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