TRT: 65 Minutes
BETWEEN THE WAVES; Tejal Shah; INDIA; Editor: Dhanya Pilo; Sound (design & com-position) Floy Krouchi, Hari Dwarak, Tejal Shah; Sound (mix) Hari Dwarak; TRT: 26:15 min
A palimpsestic approach engages a specific art historical discourse and wedges open a unique position that encompasses the queer, non-binary, eco-sexual, inter-special, technological, spiritual and scientific, while it poetically surpasses them all to present it’s own unbounded, awkward, in/appropriated organism in the form of this installation.
MOTION COLOR; Martyna Merkel; POLAND; editing,animation, drawing, painting: Martyna Merkel; Producer: Pedro Ferreira; Music: Salakapakka Sound System; TRT: 4.20
Moving images are reflected in my paintings. Stamped textures, mixed with drawn animation and 8mm film.
NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY / MY LITTLE NIGHT SEA JOURNEY Experiment No. IV; M. Kardinal; Music: Metal & Glass Ensemble; Germany; TRT: 3.10 min
The unconscious mind: the sensitive experience walks across unconscious paths and primitive instinctual behaviors. Following the mind projections, we sail our Odyssey through a sea of subconscious traps and temptations. e memories and the wishes face the alteration of the impossible, slipping into the truth. Moments are depicted that only exist to punctuate the human drama in order to clarify our existence and to find poetic meaning in ordinary day life. e night sea journey (Nachtmeerfahrt) is a metaphor used by C. G. Jung for the mental process performed by being confronted in dreams and imaginations with the mental images of the personal past, the unconscious complexes, and the archetypes of the collective unconscious in order to reflect consciously. For this series of moving images I worked with an obsolete video technique. Non-Euclidean geometry | Nachtmeerfahrten is based on found VHS-footage which I manipulated analog.
“Hard Labor, Meager Pay” is a grotesque animation on the question of what is work and what is pay.
BITCH BEAUTY; MM Serra; USA; TRT: 7.00; Super8 & 16MM to digi
An experimental documentary profiling the life of Anne Hanavan, whose experiences as part of the underground scene in the East Village of the Eighties paralleled those of now-deceased Zoë Tamerlis Lund. Lund was an actor and screenwriter of Abel Ferrara’s film, Bad Lieutenant. She died of heart failure due to extended cocaine use in 1999. Using Hanavan’s films, performances, readings, and music as well as footage from Lund’s work, BITCH BEAUTY is an intense time capsule of addiction, the perils of street prostitution, and subsequent renewal or revival through cathartic self-expression.
MEMENTO MORI; Daniela Wayllace; Belgium; 10 Minutes
Animation:In a mourning ceremony the photographer takes a picture of a little girl. With the face contrite assistants leave the room, leaving it surrounded by flowers. Little by little we approach the girl and recoup her memories and
the universe of death.
HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU SO LONG; Claudia Siefen; AUSTRIA; Mix: Synchro Film Audio & Video; Executive Producer: Marie TAPPERO; Business Management: Elisabeth CHOBEL-SPANOUDIS/Steirer, Mika & Comp; Producer: Gabriele KRANZELBINDER; Production: KGP Kranzelbinder Gabriele Production GmbH; TRT: 3:36 min
The moment of lifting an apron promises tension. In many cases, the Protagonist is left alone and is waiting for something or someone. That can be danger or a threat, pleasure or tenderness. Scenes from Hollywood films in which aprons are used for gestural expressions connect— some of them are doubled, and/or change speed for an easier analysis. The closer the better.
PUSH / PULL / RECOVER; Terra Long; CUBA; Camera: Tara Khalilia; TRT: 3.39 min
Animated meditation on motion through stillness with breath. Shot in single frames on 16mm and hand painted.
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