SPECIAL THANK YOU to Kathleen Rugh for bringing her 16MM film to this screening!
LANDSCAPE; Animation-FX-edit: Anabela Costa; ITALY; Music: Tiago Cutileiro; Scientific Advisor: Evelyne Lutton; TRT: 10.41 min
Landscape, is what can be seen, and not in physical terms but as an outward expression of human perception: “a landscape is a cultural image, a pictorial way of representing, structuring or symbolising surroundings”, so it will always be a personnal take over an area of land, of human elements buildings or structures with a cultural and aesthetic dimension.
CONSTELLATION; Muriel Montini; FRANCE; TRT: 5.00 min
A bear in the zoo. A bear out of the world.
COURTYARD; Angela Ferraiolo; USA; TRT: 4.00 min BLUE RAY
Made by color sorting video data and reorganizing that information
according to certain criteria, including random or chance disruptions. These kinds of image processes tend to reveal or
emphasize patterns in imagery or montage that can be overlooked in realistic photographic processes. As computers become powerful enough to
handle the large amounts of data involved in video manipulation, new kinds of image abstraction and image processing may become an avenue for experimental filmmakers.
MEMORAIS; Ana Rodríguez León; Camera: Javier Rapallo; SPAIN; Music: The Free Sound Project; TRT: 7.00 min
Moments before than the Earth explodes, a woman remembers her relationship with a man at the beginning of the 21st century. But soon, the border between what really happen and what could have happened, vanishes. The woman would try to find some kind of truth before than, in the end, the world and her memories, get lost in the darkness of the night.
SALT LINES; Cade Bursell; USA; 35mm clear leader, salt; white and Himalayan pink, ink, paint, tape; TRT: 4.47min
A salt line cycle – a haptic, visceral response to discordant lines of text associated with Himalayan salt extraction; its use in the US for gourmet cooking and healing vs. the hard repetitive labor of those who bring us this commodity
Imagery and sound create an encompassing environment where tunnels of light and the continual flow of water act as a connecting force between differing locales ranging from the Oregon coast, the woods surrounding a New Hampshire river, the waterfalls of upstate New York and the depths of an urban park in Brooklyn. Stepping into one place and then out into another relates to the atmosphere and experiences of a dream.
ISKENDERIA; Mayye Zayed; EGYPT; TRT: 8.00 min
A montage of scenes from famous Egyptian fiction films, the documentary film “Sunken ruins of Cleopatra’s palace”, Constantine P. Cavafy’s poem “The City” and text from Michel de Certeau’s book “The Practice of Everyday Life”
SONOTOKI; Amanda Belantara; JAPAN; produced and made possible by Aomori Contemporary Art Centre; Sound: Michael Cacioppo Belantara; TRT:18.00 min
The ephemeral yet recurring movements of human life and nature.
More upcoming announcements will be posted here as they unfold!
We cordially invite you to support and participate in Another Experiment by Women (AXWFF).
AXWFF promotes and screens films made by women that: are experimental or feature alternative forms, or that may contain themes and issues distinct to women and girls.
AXWFF hopes to inspire others to make and hone their own experimental work to be shared in a public forum.
AXWFF wants to see your work and make you a part of our community!
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Another Experiment by Women Film Festival Screening Series
Another Experiment by Women Film Festival Screening Series gives Women's Work a Real Time & Space IN NYC!
THE LAST TRAIN the 1st film of a Triptych along with WALK IN JANU S ARY and THE COLOR OF WIND (on vVIMEO), that respond to the COVID era. The COVID pandemic...The Blues Society: A Documentary Film
Blues masters and beatniks created a festival in Memphis in 1966; this doc tells their story and re-evaluates the 1960s blues revival for tof=day's
Documentário de 72 min. sobre desaparecimentos forçados no Rio de Janeiro atual. // A feature documentary about forced disappearances in Rio de Janeiro today."On Our Own Terms" - 1st official trailer